Organic Wintergreen Essential Oil - APTIVA
Organic Wintergreen Essential Oil - APTIVA
Organic Wintergreen Essential Oil - APTIVA
Organic Wintergreen Essential Oil - APTIVA




薄荷 • 刺激 • 緩解 • 清涼

薄荷味辛辣甜美,帶有果香和藥用香氣。有時被稱為 “大自然的 Panadol”

✔ 冷卻並舒緩疲勞、緊繃的肌肉
✔ 提神醒腦
✔ 支持健康的呼吸系統

• 10毫升
冬青 (Gaultheria fragrantissima) 葉油*
• 尼泊爾產品


Non-toxic and non-irritating after dilution.

Possible drug interactions. Can inhibit blood clotting. Those who take aspirin or other blood-thinning medications should avoid using Wintergreen. Should not be used at all during or shortly after a viral fever. We recommend a maximum dilution of 2.4% for topical applications. Completely avoid Wintergreen oil up to age 12. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding.

If you are on long-term medication, please consult your practitioner.

Store out of reach of children. Please remember to store our products in a cool place below 25°C (77°F) to prevent oxidation and preserve their shelf life. Your care will ensure its effectiveness. For external use only. This is not a medicinal remedy.

  • 不含 SLS、SLSA、合成材料或香料
  • 所有供應商均經過 GC/MS 純度測試
  • 採購合乎道德標準和可持續性的
  • +100 多種源自全球單方和配方精油

